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Toni's Night Out

Help Buckcherry Save Aidan Seeger! “Aidan Has A Posse” – A Benefit Concert


Buckcherry, quickly put together a Benefit Concert in Aidan’s back yard, Brooklyn, New York, to raise both awareness and financial support for the upcoming battle Aidan will be facing. They will perform at the Music Hall of Williamsburg on August 11, 2011


Shiny Happy People: Rev Theory / Black Label Society


things aren’t always what they seem on the surface.. Have an open mind and an open heart. in the end what we encountered was happy people doing exactly what they love.


Scott Weiland: Not Dead, Just Really Really Exhausted!


“Leave him alone you Ogres, hasn’t Scotty been through enough!” umm err Sorry, I know I wasn’t going to defend him or his tardiness etc.. but I can’t help myself. LOL Wow I’m a softie I know. “He’s an artist and a free spirit just let him be!”


Stone Temple Pilots: Road Trip Edition


I felt like the only girl in the room.. umm wait… I practically was the only girl in the room! I hope a fight doesn’t break out over me. OMG, Dean, how sweet, you didn’t have to melt that guys face off just to impress me! Wow, this is some show!


Nikki Sixx: THIS is GONNA HURT, Trust Me!


C’mon, I’ve got the looks that kill damn it. Umm, don’t I? :-/ I mean, Sheesh it’s so obvious, just as I suspected… Nikki Sixx is stalking me.


Jimmy Gnecco: Ours, Yours or Mine?


When I walked into the lil venue on the lower east side of Manhattan, furious guitar riffs and primal screams were not exactly what I was expecting to hear. To say I was impressed would be a gross understatement. I was really blown away!

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