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Toni's Night Out

Worship Anthrax!


Yes, I’m aware I have sort of a silly look on my face in this photo.
What can I say? I guess it’s all a part of my charm…

I admit, I was pretty excited to see Anthrax play live, up close and personal after all these years.

You see, I’ve never quite gotten over missing the filming of their video for “Indians” way back in 1987. They filmed it in a small theater just a town away from where I lived. All my metal head friends and anyone who was anyone was going. I was just a little freshman in high school back than. I lived and breathed this stuff. I even wrote a paper on how music can inspire people to stand up for social injustice based on that song. I believe I actually played it in class.  Hmmm, activism, rock n’ roll… at least I’m consistent. Right? But I had no way of getting to the free show. As you might imagine… I was crushed. :-(.

Oh well, I heard it was a total blast. And when it finally aired, you could actually see a few of my brothers friends moshing & crowd surfing. Kind of awesome.

On to 2011 and a “secret” not to mention, free, Anthrax show was being held! This time at the Best Buy Theater in NYC on the eve of the release of their 10th Studio album “Worship Music”. Also, 2 days before their historic “Big Four” show at Yankee Stadium (with Metallica, Megadeath & Slayer).

Anyway.. I finally get My day! Even if it is 24 years late. Enjoy my version of Indians!


Epic! Yes! Yes! uh huh huh uh huh huh huh huh huh Fire! Fire!…. umm sorry.. I may or may not have turned into Beavis and or Butthead during that performance. I’m giddy. Legendary. Anthrax were the pioneers of heavy metal music. According to my book, they started it all. Back in the day, Slayer was way too heavy for me. Megadeath, not bad, but not quite my thing. Metallica, sure they were good but a little rough and tough in the looks department. Anthrax on the other hand had it just right. The perfect balance of kick ass heavy metal music in a more appealing package. Between the awesome vocal range of Joey Belladonna, the handsome good looks of Bass player Frank Bello and former guitarist Dan Spitz and the cool guy attitudes of guitarist Scott Ian and drummer Charlie Benante… this band had it all. And if you asked me, still does!

Over the years Anthrax has had many ups and downs and many a line up change. Including, most notably,  a different singer (John Bush) from 1992-2005. Let’s face it… people just don’t like change. But it seems Anthrax has gone back to basics. In my humble opinion, reuniting with Singer Joey Belladonna is the best thing this band could have done. Making this performance and their long awaited (8years) new album well worth the wait.

If you don’t believe me, see for yourself with the video below of the new song “Devil You Know”.  I really love it. And I was lucky enough to catch Frank Bello jumping through the air! So watch close, I think you will be as impressed as I was. So cool!

Devil You Know
Later on, everyone was very warm and welcoming. There was no Rock Star pretense anywhere in sight.
Rob Caggiano & Toni
Anthrax/Damned things, guitar player Rob Caggiano (The new guy to me) liked my card with my lil Toni cartoon so much he put it in his mouth. Sweet.
Slayer, Toni & Down
The guys from Slayer & Down were actually all smiles except for in this photo… hmm that’s suspicious. And what the hell is that couple doing in the background?
Toni, Rosie & Frankie Ahhh and a perfect ending to the night with Frank Bello & a cup of tea.

I hope you loved my night out with Anthrax! I know I did!
Don’t forget to buy the new album “Worship Music”!
Until next time. xoxo Toni \m/

For more photos check out The Gallery: Anthrax: Best Buy Theater

For more videos check out: The official Toni’s Night Out youtube channel

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“Worship Anthrax!”

  1. On September 14th, 2021 at 3:54 am Gleb#Ston[Upecikjeuzqhihiv,2,5] Says:

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