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Toni's Night Out

iHeart Weezer! Don’t you?

weess_0000_v10 When I received the email from congratulating me that I had won free tickets to a secret Weezer concert.. I almost deleted it. Eeep! I assumed it was spam. I completely forgot that I followed a friendly tweet about the contest.. where I filled out a simple form to enter. Yes, it was that easy! 

Anyway, the first person who came to mind was my Weezer loving best girlfriend Mica. Ofcourse.. she was in! Yay!

It was a cold rainy Wednesday night in Tribeca, so we decided to gear up for the night with some pumpkin ale and fried food to warm our Hearts. 🙂 Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that rock the most.

Like watching Rivers Cuomo perform Coldplay’s Viva La Vida with an orchestra behind him in a venue the size of my living room! No joke.. this place was tiny!

weess_0008_h3I admit, at first I was holding back.. being polite, hoping not to ruffle any feathers and enjoy the show. But being on my tippie toes however was just not cutting it! Mind you.. me and Mica are both barely 5 feet tall.. soo umm, I followed her lead and we um er somehow, ended up with the sweetest view. Up close and personal of course. 😉

Some might suggest that Weezer look like nerds.. I will embrace that term and say good day to you! I happen to pride myself on nerdom.. intellect, quirkiness, dark rimmed glasses.. I’ll take it. I happen to hold a Comp Sci degree and openly admit to being a fan of Star Trek.. a Trekkie if you will. Haven’t you heard? Nerds are hot. So yes, I totally dig Weezer. 🙂

This is their new super fun hit I Want You To from their new album Raditude! You may notice how these videos all seem to bounce up and down.. well that’s what Weezer music does to the crowd.. you just can’t help yourself! You bounce and you shamelessly sing along!

Woo-ee-oo, he looks just like Buddy Holly. Ah but like Bon Jovi’s secret free show they only played five songs! Yes, yes five songs of musical awesomeness at it’s best indeed.. & did ya know the singer also has a degree from Harvard.. now that’s impressive.
weess_0006_h5Ya know what else is impressive? How this band has managed to stay relevant and true to their art for close to 20 years. All the while holding on to a loyal fan base the entire way. So if you are not one of them.. I suggest you get on it! C’mon who here doesn’t like to bounce and sing along? You know you want to! And well you heard the guy at the end of my Buddy Holly video above: “These guys are so just fun!”, well said fine sir! Well said. 🙂 

I hope you enjoyed my secret, free, short, night out! Until next time. xo Toni

For more photos check out The Gallery: Weezer

For more videos check out: The official Tonisnightout youtube channel

posted under Alternative, Concerts

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266 Comments to
“iHeart Weezer! Don’t you?”

  1. On October 16th, 2011 at 12:30 pm MrCaptainMuffins Says:

    [..YouTube..] where was this at….i liked it when he said “GRACIAS AMIGOS!!” thought that was a little cool

  2. On October 16th, 2011 at 12:30 pm MrCaptainMuffins Says:

    [..YouTube..] 3:55

  3. On October 17th, 2011 at 9:54 am nanisap Says:

    [..YouTube..] Such a good cover!!!! Plus, Rivers is fricken hilarious! hahaha

  4. On October 18th, 2011 at 10:22 am krustyahoo7457742 Says:

    [..YouTube..] wow what band needs a stand to read the lyrics lol

  5. On October 20th, 2013 at 11:39 am michelle Says:

    I visit this video on youtube when I’m feeling blue and it never fails to make me smile. Just wanted to drop a comment to say thanks for posting it. 🙂 You rock!

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